
Månedssammendrag Distribusjon: September

Europeiske banker stengte over 9000 filialer i år, Eika styrker satsning på lokale næringsliv, To-tredjedeler av forbrukere i Storbritannia er skeptiske til å dele informasjonen sin til tredje-parter i ‘Open Banking’.

European banks shuttered over 9000 branches last year
Finextra: European banks closed over 9000 branches last year and shed 50,000 staff as customer defections to online and mobile channels surged, according to data from the European Banking Federation.
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Eika Alliansen styrker nå satsingen på leasing gjennom en ny avtale med De Lage Landen Finans.
Ringeriksavisa: – Med denne avtalen styrker 73 lokalbanker i Eika Alliansen sin konkurransekraft på leasing til bedrifts-markedet. Mens andre banker har lagt ned sine kontorer har mange lokalbanker økt sin konkurransekraft og løfteevne for lokalt næringsliv. Med lokal tilstedeværelse, kompetente rådgivere og en kompletterende partner har vi store ambisjoner for økt vekst også på leasing, sier adm direktør Terje Gromholt i Eika Kredittbank.
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Consumers reluctant to share financial data with third party providers – Accenture
The Paypers: Two-thirds of consumers in the UK say they won’t share their financial data with a third party, in a blow to the growing push towards Open Banking, a recent report show.
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Are Tiny Pop-Up Branches Like These Banking’s Brick-and-Mortar Future?
The Financial Brand: Can you imagine a full-service branch that measures only 160 square feet? Here’s how banks are experimenting with bite-sized pop-up branch designs. ** These micro-branch designs — many created from shipping containers with a footprint measuring 160 square feet or less — are a cost-efficient way to scope out areas where a more permanent branch location might be warranted. If one location isn’t getting the anticipated foot traffic or generating enough revenue, no big deal. It’s just one forklift away from being relocated.
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BBVA ports 92% of product portfolio to the mobile
Finextra: BBVA’s mobile banking strategy is picking up pace, with the bank predicting that virtually its entir…
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Piraeus Bank hails automated ‘e-branches’
Finextra: Greek bank Piraeus is hailing the performance of three new fully-automated bank branches, claiming that their popularity has freed up staffers at traditional branches to focus on more complex, higher value work.
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