
Månedssammendrag Innovasjon: September

Norske banker satser på startups og åpne APIer, Stadig flere banker integrerer løsninger med de store teknologiselskapene, Flere og flere nyheter rundt Open banking/API, og AI-løsninger.

Det norske markedet

Skandiabanken – vil la alle bli sin egen «fintech-gründer»
Shifter: Alle som er kunder i Skandiabanken kan programmere sine egne apper og nettbankløsninger.
Skandiabanken åpner nå opp deler av sine APIer for kundene. I første omgang får de mulig muligheten til å utvikle funksjoner til seg selv, basert på egne data.
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SR-Bank lanserer oppstartsfabrikk for nye ideer
SpareBank 1: SR-Bank setter av 300 millioner kroner og etablerer FinStart Nordic. Satsingen skal utfordre bankens egne forretningsmodeller.
FinStart Nordic etableres 1. januar 2018 som et heleid datterselskap av SR-Bank og skal drives som en kombinasjon av venture- og oppstartsselskap.
– FinStart vil gi vil gi et bedre kundetilbud gjennom utvikling av finansielle tjenester, kombinert med en finansiell oppside.
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DNB skal investere 250 millioner kroner i oppstartsselskaper
Shifter: DNB kaster seg på trenden og setter av 250 millioner til å investere i startups.
– Vi står overfor vanvittig store endringer. Særlig fra 1. januar 2018 hvor våre kundedata og våre betalinger blir åpne for alle nye aktører som får kundenes velsignelse til å operere på deres vegne (PSD2). Derfor gjør Norges største bank, som andre store europeiske banker før dem, og oppretter en venture-arm som kan investere inntil 250 millioner kroner i oppstartsselskaper.
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Norske banker forbereder seg på ansikts­­gjenkjenning
Din Side: Når fingeren ikke lenger kan brukes, håper bankene å bruke fjeset ditt.
iPhone X har en skjerm som dekker hele fronten og dermed er hjemknappen på iPhone X borte, og med den, fingeravtrykkleseren.
Også Kjølberg i Sparebank 1 tror det kan bli enkelt å bytte innloggingsmetode. Men de avventer mer info fra Apple, og ikke alle er like optimistiske.
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Nordea-boss jagter fintechs og partnere til digital fabrik
Finans Watch: Nordea har åbnet en udviklingsportal for at søge partnerskaber, og topchef Casper von Koskull garanterer, at storbanken vil have en mere åben tilgang til tredjeparter end hidtil.
Nordeas topchef Casper von Koskull er klar til at byde fintech-virksomheder ind i storbanken som partnere blandt andet som et svar på EU’s betalingsservicedirektiv, PSD2, hvor tredjeparter får adgang til information.
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Nye produkter/produktutvikling

U.S. Bank Announces Amazon Alexa Integration
Bank Innovation: EXCLUSIVE- U.S. Bank has become part of a select group – banks that allow customers to access their accounts via voice with Amazon Alexa.
Available features include checking account balances, paying bills, and viewing transaction history across a user’s U.S. Bank accounts. Gaston sees an enhanced feature set in the future, but the bank wants to learn more about how customers are using the service first.
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iPhone X: The Next Wave of Mobile Banking Disruption
The Finacial Brand: The iPhone X gives the banking industry a platform for mobile banking innovation with biometric, augmented reality and payment functionality. ** Mobile banking is the centerpiece of a financial institution’s delivery of products and services, increasing the importance of supporting smartphone innovations that can enhance the customer experience. The functionality of the iPhone X introduces the potential for a new level of mobile banking engagement.
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Will Apple’s Face ID Be a Boon for Video Banking?
Bank Innovation: EXCLUSIVE – Apple introduced the iPhone X yesterday, and as pundits predicted, it does away with Touch ID in favor of Face ID, a biometric authentication system based on the user’s face. The accuracy of Face ID is supposed to reduce false positives to 1 in a million.
It has been said that smartphones are increasingly “all about the camera,” and Apple is clearly pushing this trend. Banking is a relationship business. Will video banking via mobile mean bankers will get to see customers’ faces again?
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Citi Bot to answer customer queries via Facebook Messenger
Finextra: “Citi Bot will be able to address a range of common customer needs, including account-specific enquiries such as checking of account balances and transactions, providing credit card bill summaries, rewards and points balances and answering frequently asked questions
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Aktuelt emne: Open banking

HSBC moves into open banking
Finextra: HSBC is testing a platform that lets customers see all of their accounts, no matter who the provider, on one screen. The open banking platform will be tested with 10,000 UK customers from next month, with participants able to add accounts from up to 21 different banks, including Santander, Lloyds and Barclays.
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SunTec introduces open banking platform to manage and monetise bank APIs
Finextra: SunTec, whose technology powers the financial services delivered to over 300 million consumers worldwide, today unveiled its Open Banking offering through its Xelerate technology platform.
With the upcoming PSD2 regulation in Europe giving the right impetus to the Open Banking economy, there is increased competition amongst banks, emerging segments such as FinTech and companies from other industries for customer wallet share.
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Goldman Sachs’ foray into consumer banking is getting aggressive
Tearsheet: While Goldman has also been ahead of retail banking institutions when it comes to a platform approach to business, retail banks are just getting acquainted with the idea
Retail banks don’t want to become the dumb pipes — to save their brand — but if that’s where they’re headed, Goldman Sachs is way ahead of the curve.
Historically, the API has been human beings talking to other human beings over the telephone, and all the tools, the content, the analytics is on the internal platform only. We are shifting this radically and shifting this fast, and we’re packaging everything we do… we’re redesigning the whole company, around APIs.
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Aktuelt emne: AI

Chef for storbank: Stort antal vil blive erstattet af robotter
Finans Watch: I fremtiden vil et stort antal af de 100.000 ansatte i en tysk storbank blive erstattet af robotter, der skal automatisere en del af processerne. Sådan lyder det fra bankens topchef på en konference i Frankfurt.
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AI-first strategy – bots are building a brighter future
Venture Beat: Nadia is a product of the latest era of artificial intelligence, a period marked by the proliferation of intelligent virtual assistants and robots with specific skill sets. Netflix and Pandora brought us the first wave of AI, which defined the curation era. Next, Siri brought us the voice interface. Now, in addition to developments like Nadia, we are seeing virtual assistants such as Alexa, Clara, and
Google has adopted an AI-first strategy for its business categories. Apple, Amazon, Facebook, and Salesforce have all jumped into the AI race as well. Other major tech giants competing in the space include General Electric and Samsung.
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Andre nyheter

Santander’s Award-Winning Online Hub Targets Millennials
The Financial Brand: Santander Bank’s microsite connects with Millennials who need access to financial resources during lifes’ financial “micro-moments.”
This microsite was designed to encourage Millennials to master money and includes a variety of content types including blog posts, infographics and listicles on an array of topics including saving, spending and debt management.
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EU vil ha global digital-skatt, for å cashe inn fra Google, Amazon og Facebook
Shifter: — Målet er å at selskaper skal betale sin rettmessige skatt der gevinsten oppstår, sier skattekommisær Pierre Moscovici i en pressemelding. Han viser til hvordan selskapene tjener store penger i det europeiske markedet, samtidig som de altså ikke er fysisk til stede, og dermed ikke kommer i en skattposisjon slik det i dag er.
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Fintech – en magnet för investerare
Digital: Första halvåret i år lockade den svenska startupscenen mer kapital än någonsin och fintech stod för överlägset flest investeringar. ”Stort intresse, stora aktörer, mycket pengar”, säger Lena Apler, ängelinvesteraren och grundaren av nischbanken Collector.
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IBM far outranks Microsoft as blockchain industry leader, research says
CNBC: IBM outranks Microsoft in the blockchain sector, according to research. More than 40 percent of tech executives ranked IBM as top.
Only 20 percent said the same of competitor Microsoft.
Big Blue has been making considerable steps forward with research and development projects aimed at broadening the scope of distributed ledger technology to include industries other than the financial services.
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KRONIKK: Tre overraskelser og potensielle gevinster som utviklere vil få gjennom GDPR
Digi: Dersom du jobber med programvareutvikling som utvikler, leder eller tester så vil du bli påvirket av den nye personvernforordningen GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) fra EU. Men GDPR byr på mange overraskelser – og potensielt mange gevinster.
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